My Votes

How to Lock, Vote and Earn

Starting on November 15th, 2023, the $META token will no longer be transferable, in order to start the token reset process and the migration to the new mpDAO governance token. Learn more about our transition to a multi-chain governance model by visiting our blog: Token Reset for the Meta Pool DAO

Meta Vote

Meta Vote is the governance tool for the DAO, where token holders define:

  • Which Grants to fund (50% of the monthly protocol fees)

  • Which validators should receive extra stake (25% of the total NEAR stake)

  • Which project to launch in the Launchpad

  • (Soon) How the mpINDEX is composed

How to use Meta Vote?

You can access Meta Vote directly from its link

Connect your wallet on Meta Vote

In the My Voting Power section, link your NEAR wallet so that you can have full access to your assets. Connect your Near wallet button.

Meta Vote works with 3 simple steps:

  1. Lock your $META tokens

  2. Get voting power

  3. Vote for validators, Grants, MPIPs, or projects in the Launchpad.

How to get Voting Power

In order to be able to vote you must obtain Voting Power and it is very simple. The way to do it is by locking your $META tokens.

If you don’t have $META yet – you’ll need some! See below "How to get $META tokens" Section.

  1. Click on the button title + Add Voting Power

  2. Enter the amount of mpDAO tokens you want to lock.

  3. Select the cool-off period for the unlocking of your tokens with the slider. This is the Unlock time for your mpDAO tokens. Once you decide to unlock, you will have to wait that number of days in order to withdraw your mpDAO tokens.

The minimum amount of days for the cool-off period is 30 days, and max is 300 days. The longer the cool-off period, the bigger your commitment to the DAO, and then the more voting power you have for each mpDAO token locked. For 30 days of cool-off period, you have 1x multiplier, if you choose 300 days you get 5x multiplier in your voting power.

After selecting your lock period, click on the lock button and approve the transaction through NEAR wallet – and then you are ready to vote!

  1. Use voting power to vote for the different options the Meta Pool DAO offers.

  2. Go back to the section you want vote (Lauchpad, Grants, Validators), refresh the page, and see the voting power!

  3. Launchpad: You can then use the "Vote" button on any project and back them with your tokens. Additionally, you don’t have to spend all your tokens on one project, you can back multiple ones! IMPORTANT: If you enter the Launchpad section and the VOTE (Vote Button) option does not appear, it means that there is currently no active voting campaign.

    1. Grants: Vote to finance the grants proposed by our community.

Voting Power formula


  • MIN_LOCK_DAYS=30, 1x multiplier

  • MAX_LOCK_DAYS=300, 5x multiplier


Lock stages

Locked Period

The Locked period is the one that allows you to vote on Meta Pool DAO. $META tokens are locked and users can vote for projects or validators at any time. There is no time limit for this stage. Voting power will be available as long as $META tokens are locked.

Unbonding Period

If you decide to stop participating in the DAO and remove your tokens, you can start the unbonding period. By pressing the "Start Unlock" button in a locked position, the unboding period will start. The unboding period is the number of days selected at locking time.

Important: the ubonding period does not start automatically, it must be manually started by the user by clicking "Start Unlock".

If there is voting power in use and not enough free voting power to unlock a full position, you will not be able to start the ubonding period. Remove some of the votes to start the ubonding period.


At any time during the unbonding period, you can relock your position and gain the voting power corresponding to the days left. You can use the votes and then resume the unbonding period later.

Withdraw of $META tokens

Once the unbonding period is over, $META tokens can be withdraw.

Last updated