Ethereum Network

The Ethereum Network is composed of two layers, Execution Layer and Consensus Layer, both working together with their own clients.

To start staking ETH, it's necessary to have an Eth Validator, which needs to be connected to a full node running both Consensus and Execution clients.

Execution Client

The execution client (also known as the Execution Engine, EL client or formerly the Eth1 client) listens to new transactions broadcasted in the network, executes them in EVM, and holds the latest state and database of all current Ethereum data.

ClientLanguageOperating systemsNetworksSync strategiesState pruning


Linux, Windows, macOS

Mainnet, Sepolia, Goerli

Snap, Full

Archive, Pruned

C#, .NET

Linux, Windows, macOS

Mainnet, Sepolia, Goerli, and more

Snap (without serving), Fast, Full

Archive, Pruned


Linux, Windows, macOS

Mainnet, Sepolia, Goerli, and more

Snap, Fast, Full

Archive, Pruned


Linux, Windows, macOS

Mainnet, Sepolia, Goerli, and more


Archive, Pruned

Consensus Client

The consensus client (also known as the Beacon Node, CL client or formerly the Eth2 client) implements the proof-of-stake consensus algorithm, which enables the network to achieve agreement based on validated data from the execution client.

ClientLanguageOperating systemsNetworks


Linux, Windows, macOS

Beacon Chain, Goerli, Pyrmont, Sepolia, Ropsten, and more


Linux, Windows, macOS

Beacon Chain, Goerli, Sepolia, Ropsten, and more


Linux, Windows, macOS

Beacon Chain, Goerli, Sepolia, Ropsten, and more


Linux, Windows, macOS

Beacon Chain, Gnosis, Goerli, Pyrmont, Sepolia, Ropsten, and more


Linux, Windows, macOS

Beacon Chain, Gnosis, Goerli, Sepolia, Ropsten, and more

A consensus client serves as a Beacon Node for validators to connect. Each consensus client has its own validator software described in detail in its respective documentation.

Last updated