April 2024 Migration

How to Migrate from $META to mpDAO?

The migration period starts on 15.04.2024 and ends on 30.04.2024.

As of April 15, 2024, when you enter metapool.app you will see the following banner.

Points to consider before migrating from $META to mpDAO.

  1. To start the migration, you must have your NEAR wallet connected.

  2. Have all your positions locked. If you have positions in Unlock it will not be possible to perform the migration.

  3. Make sure you don't have any position in Withdraw. Withdraw positions do not prevent the migration, but then you will have $META tokens in your wallet without being able to migrate them. It is very important that you do not keep $META tokens unlocked.

  4. Lock all your $META tokens. If you have $META tokens in your wallet, lock them before migrating. Otherwise you will not be able to migrate them with this wallet.

How do your mpDAO Migration?

1) Access the migration page

Click on the banner on the "Start Migration Now" button.

Or click on Migrate Now in the Header.

Or go to My Votes in the Vote Section.

2) Connect your NEAR wallet

Connect your NEAR wallet.

3) Migrate Now

You will see this message with a button to the right indicating: Migrate now.

Very important: verify before migrating that you have no pending Withdraw positions, and that all your $META are locked. Once you perform the migration, it will not be possible to perform a new Migration with $META pending to be locked.

4) Approve the transaction

5) Migration successful

Voting Power

To be able to operate with mpDAO you will have to wait until May 1, 2024. Until then you will be able to vote, but keep in mind that on May 1st all votes will be reset.

Thank you for being part of Meta Pool DAO.

Last updated